Aaron Jin
Actor, Filmmaker, Community Leader
As a collaborator: wicked funny with a good heart. Someone you want on your team.
Now Available on Netflix
After premiering at Sundance 2024, Penelope comes to streaming in September. Penelope was produced by the Duplass Brothers Productions. This role marks a fantastic stretch of growth with Heidi Marshall Studio. My proudest moment from the shoot was getting my close-up for our biggest scene – in one take!
This was my first time booking with an LA casting office.
Watching on my home tv screen!

On Your Television Screen, Times Three!
If you love one Aaron, why not try three? I appear in a regional commercial for the WA Department of Health. The producers and clients repeatedly complimented my comedic chops. I also connected the DOH to nonprofits I work with for partnership opportunities.
Plus, I had the fun of old church friends texting me that they saw me on tv!
Finished My Directorial Debut: Blondie
I finished post-production on my official directorial debut. Lately, I find myself drawn to life-affirming stories about everyday people, handled with humor and kindness.
This particular story was filled with gentleness. It was a love story to family and home, in all the ways that we can still choose each other.
Coming soon to an online platform near you.